One thing you folks hear a lot whenever they raise a fuss about objectionable material on TV, music, art museums, etc., is "if you don't like it, change the channel, ...don't go to the museum, don't listen to that radio station...." Really, it's just that simple. Just tune out, turn off ... right. So when the NEA uses taxpayer funds to pay for such fine "art" as a Crucifix soaked in a jar of urine, a likeness of Christ covered in ants, the virgin Mary painted in elephant dung, just don't go see that exhibit. Never mind that there are any number of specialty museums or art hotspots in a city of more than fifty thousand where one can go see all the homoerotic art, etc. they could want to, and not on the public dime. We're not saying you can't create your crude little art projects or do that which is unseemly; just don't make the public pay for it. Yet, just bringing this up makes me a religious prude, a backwards, bigoted moron, to the PC left elite, and that's fine.
But what just a minute, the same PC left, ACLU types who defend any anti-western culture, anti-Christian garbage that comes down the pike and are so driven to push this tripe on us, make a most radical 180 this time of year. Atheists and other non-believers, "Remove the creche,...don't say Merry Christmas, no Christmas carols that mention Jesus (or joy, for that matter). These same folks who force the ugliest cultural statements on us, are offended at the baby Jesus in a manger. Yes, sweet little Jesus boy, the Prince of Peace. Well, Christians take heart. This is exactly as it should be. Christ himself said he would be an offense to the nonbeliever. He warned us that if they hate you, it's alright because they hated Him first. Rather than complain, we should glory in this. This is just one more proof of the validity of Scripture.
At this point I need to say that I have made a sudden turn. This is what Christians hate; the degeneration of decency, civil discourse, respect for others. We question, why would someone want to put a crucifix in a jar of urine, or cover a picture of Christ on the cross in ants? Yet, we are tolerant enough to admit they have a right to do this if they want. Just don't drag it out in front of folks who don't want to see it. I was thinking that progressives should do during the Christmas season what they tell us to do, "Change the channel." But then, I realized...they can't. This little baby in the manger offends them so much, and I understand it. Christ forces us to make a decision, every single time we encounter Him. This creates the visceral hatred and utter intolerance that we see. Don't believe me? Read any comments section on Daily Kos or the Huffington Post to see what these folks think about Christians. You will see things like, "they should be forced to understand that global warming, gay marriage, etc. is right." Really, forced? That sounds a lot like Mao's re-education camps or a Soviet-era gulag. I know a lot of conservatives, believers and not, and I have yet to hear any one of them say the left "should be forced" to accept the fair tax, Rush Limbaugh, Defense of Marriage Act, or Jesus Christ. So, who's tolerant?
I was going to say the PC left should just change the channel this year, but they can't-they are compelled. They sit and seethe about little Linus reciting the Christmas story on A Charlie Brown Christmas, or all those nativity scenes on church lawns, or carolers on their streets. Christians, too, are compelled during this season. Just as the angels told the shepherds to rejoice, we rejoice! Someone came, a king, to make all this better! Merry Christmas!!!
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