Here it is my first post.
Well, I've been hearing about the women's soccer coach at Belmont U. in Nashville. If you haven't heard, Belmont is a Christian college and the coach came out as a lesbian when her partner became pregnant. Evidently she resigned or was let go. Much has been made of Belmont being behind the times, etc. However, if it is their belief do they not have the right to act on that principle? A lot of the criticism has been from the PC crowd asking "what would Jesus do?" (Ironically, they never ask what He would do in myriad other moral issues.) This really, I believe, does come down to freedom of religion. If Belmont is going to act on what they believe, as an institution, is a Christian principle, do they not have the right to do so? Or are we going to let this become a legal matter baby (in the words of The Who)? Our constitution does not distinguish between the objective correctness of various religions. Nor would we want it to. Thus far, the courts in America have limited religious freedoms in situations that may place the general public in danger (actual physical harm), i.e. not allowing native Americans to take peyote in religious ceremonies (a danger if driving), or not allowing practitioners of Santeria to sacrifice animals (I don't want them to take my dog), or some Holiness groups handling snakes. Yet, we have the right to, even given to us by God, to worship the wrong thing. If my church believes that triangles have 4 sides, then so be it. Empirically, we know there is no such thing as a 4 sided triangle, but at the Church of 4 Sided Triangles, that's what we believe. Who, then, on Earth, decides which religious belief is correct? Let's face it, everybody thinks their religious belief is correct, but we shouldn't rely on the politically correct to determine the "rightness" of religious belief. The real problem arises when a religious group takes certain religious beliefs as justification and intends to cause harm to people (Islam, anyone?). I submit that Christianity is the one religion that really does practice tolerance, moreso than Islam and certainly more than the left PC group. Because see, the PC left wants to decide what beliefs are "right," and remove those thoughts and ideas they don't like. Who is tolerant? To the left tolerance means accept our views or be gone!
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